
Holidays and traditions in Great Britain

Коровина Ольга Сергеевна
учитель английского языка
КГУ "ООШ села Тасшалкар"

При планировании урока использовались различные методы и приемы способствующие развитию речи учащихся. данный урок хорошо подходит для использования при проведении "Lesson Study"

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Рубрика: ШКОЛА-Иностранный язык | 9 класс Дата: 23.03.2024

Фрагмент для ознакомления

Learning objectives use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings; - use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about an increased range of general and curricular topics; - write coherently at text level using a variety of connectors on a growing range of familiar general and curricular topics;

Lesson objectives

-name the dates of the holidays

-read about the holidays

-find an information about tea drinking ceremony in Great Britain

- to complete the Venn diagram

-to work with PRES –formula

-to speak about holidays with support


Planned timings

Teacher’s activities

Learners’ activities





3 +1 min

















2 min




2 min






1 min



Teacher gives each student cutting proverb. The students should collect them, translate and give the Russian equivalent

East or West home is best (В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше)

 There is no place like home (Нет места подобного дому)

My home is my Castle (Мой дом, моя крепость)

Custom is a second nature (Привычка – вторая натура)

It’s hard to break an old hog of an all custome (Родинку не смыть, обычая не изжить)

When you go to Rome, do as Rome do (В чужой монастырь со своим укладом не ходят)

The prediction of the theme of the lesson

To show the students the video about customs and traditions of Great Britain

What this video is about?

Name the customs and traditions of GB

What will we talking about today at the lesson?

The theme of the lesson is: Customs and traditions of Great Britain

The aims of the lesson: today at the lesson we shall speak about customs and traditions of Great Britain, work with PRES – formula, “drink tea”




Ss should collect the proverb read it and give the Russian equivalent
















Ss watch the video




Ss guess the theme of the lesson




Card of evaluation






















Card of evaluation
































3 min





2 min +1 min






2+2+1 min












3 min






4+1 min









3 min




6 + 1 min




2 min

Leading task

Teacher ask students to read information about British holidays

Work with cards “Matching”

Teacher asks students to match dates with holidays

St.Valentine Day  14 February

Thanksgiving Day The 4th Thursday

Christmas     25 Desember

Halloween    31 October

Easter     dif.dates of spring

Bonfire Night  5 November

New Years Day  31 December

T. we have already known about some English holidays and traditions. And I would like you to introduce with one more tradition. It’s tradition is very important for British people. Let’s “drink tea”. Using a mobile phone find information about drinking tea at 5 o’clock in England.

You may use a plan:

  1. Who make this tradition? And why?
  2. What people are doing during tea drinking?
  3. What food do they prefer eat on tea drinking time?

“Guess the melody”

Each holiday has its own song. I would like you to listen to the song and guess What holiday is it?

The Venn diagram

1st group compare an information about tea drinking in Britain and Kazakhstan

2nd group compare an information about Christmas in Britain and in Kazakstan

Game «The symbol of the holiday»

Teacher shows the students the symbol of the holiday. Students should give the name of the holiday and give short information about it.

Pres –formula

The question is: Is it necessary to observe the cultural traditions of the country associated with the holidays?

Conclusion “Quiz”

1.What is most popular present for St.Valentines Day?

2.When do the British people make wishes?

3.What do the British children say when they roar on Halloween?

4.It’s a holiday when Bunny brings eggs.

5.Where does Father Christmas put presents?

6.Who made the tradition of tea drinking in Great Britain? Why?

Ss read the short information about British holidays




Ss match holidays with dates





Ss find the information using the Internet resources







Ss guess the song and name the holiday




Ss fill in the Venn diagram






Ss name the holiday according the symbol



Ss work with PRES-formula





Ss answer the quiz questions



Card of evaluation







Card of evaluation



Card of evaluation









Card of evaluation





Card of evaluation






Card of evaluation




Card of evaluation





Card of evaluation





















Phone, the internet















The Venn diagram














Slide, PRES –formula





Quiz questions






2 min










1 min






1.Что ты ожидал(а) от сегодняшнего урока?

2.Чему конкретно ты научился на этом уроке?

3.Из своей работы на уроке, что ты можешь выделить, как самое успешное,

4.Какую форму работы ты предпочитаешь: индивидуальную, групповую, парную?

5.Какая часть урока для тебя была наиболее эффективна в плане того, как ты работал?

Home task. Differentiation

1.Make a poster about British tradition you like most

2. Write about your family tradition

3. Make a report about the most interesting tradition in the world?


Saying goodbye





Ss answer the questions











Ss choosing and writing a home task











A sheet of paper


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